Saturday, February 7, 2009

happenings in my life.

1) I admit it. I've had trouble focusing on schoolwork. It's been pretty terrible. I think the most amount of schoolwork I have done has been during those 40 minute cardio sessions on the treadmill where I read my textbooks. Other than that, I'm always finding other ways of occupying my time. I'm not sure my mind is really ready to handle graduate school right now. It's too scatter-brained.

2) I started guitar lessons (finally). While, it doesn't come easily to me (just like every other musical instrument), I really like it. I learned more in 45 minutes on Thursday than I did the entire semester I took the private guitar class at Messiah (OK, so I'm still not over the fact that the professor accused me of lying to him about practicing. I warned him upfront about my musical inabilities and my lack of rhythm).

3) I went to the Draper Temple Open House this afternoon with my friends Heather and Renae. It was really cool to get to inside of the temple. (who knows how long it will be until I get to enter another place in the temple beside the baptismal font). They're such gorgeous buildings.

1 comment:

Preethi said...

Hooray for doing things you've always wanted to do. I started a ballet class last week. Let's just say that I've never ever taken a dance class and I'm not exactly known for my grace, flexibility, balance, coordination, or any other requisite skills. But it's fun. :)