Thursday, February 4, 2010

the gift of orthography

I'm grateful that God gave me the ability to spell and use (for the most part) correct grammar. I try not to let other people's inability to spell bother me but sometimes I can't help wishing they would have used a dictionary before hitting that submit or enter button. I hate misspelling things. (I just checked to make sure there are really two 's' in misspell). Then there's the difference between your and you're; there and their; wonder and wander; and then and than? Why is it easy for some people to learn and understand these differences while it's extremely difficult for others? I'm just curious. I must work on recognizing that people have different types of gifts, and orthography just isn't one of them for many people.

So what do you think? Are people too quick to hit that enter button before checking THEIR spelling and grammar? Has spell-check caused us to get lazy with our writing?


Akirah said...

I think so. I'm lucky. I've always been a good speller, but recently I have found myself forgetting how to spell certain words. It's weird.

And hey, I got your message the other day. I'm sorry I haven't responded; I've just been so busy. Anyway, I'd like to help you out. Did you already write a post with more information about the race in it?

Preethi said...

I am a total grammar Nazi, so I'm probably not the one to ask if you should be less judgmental about others' grammar. :)