Saturday, December 10, 2011

A month has passed since I embarked on my journey back to the Eastern Standard Time Zone. Sometimes, Utah feels like nothing more than a dream. I replay moments in my head questioning whether they actually happened. Thankfully, the invention of photography has helped me keep a grasp on reality.
It's no secret that I was bitter about the fact that I was moving back to Pennsylvania. I didn't want to do it but I knew that it was the right choice. It's proving that way. I couldn't get a job for the life of me in Utah. After moving home, I found jobs quickly. I have two-part time retail jobs right now; turned down a full time sales job at Gold's, turned down some other retail jobs, and I start as a Therapeutic Support Staff in January. I've had the chance to deep clean my room, start "de-cluttering," and paint my walls. Now, instead of being plain white, they have just a hint of blue in them. I'm still working on getting rid of a lot of things. I watch Hoarders or Buried Alive while sorting through things. Reminding myself that enjoying living the present (without clutter) helps me part with the more sentimental (but useless) items.
I'll blog more later. I need sleep. Prepping for 53 hours of work this week.

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