Wednesday, April 28, 2010

summer plans

Well, yesterday I had my first meeting with the Utah County Domestic Violence Coalition. I was thrown right into assignments. Tonight, I have a flier to tackle and a Facebook event to set up (no biggie). Then, I went to a job interview at Lane Bryant. It was an interesting process. I was offered a position, so at least I have some form of paycheck coming in this summer but who knows how many hours I will get each week. I can't survive if it's any less than 15. I admit, I cried myself to sleep last night. Don't get me wrong, I looooove working at Lane Bryant, otherwise it wouldn't have been more first store to put in an application at, but before it's always been my second job on top of already working 40 hours a week. It was always my fun money. Now, I'm relying on it for income. I need to find another job. Then, I thought about the fact that I'm a thesis away from holding a master's degree in my hand and now I'm working at the mall. That, my friends, is what put me into tears. I'm taking a $10 an hour pay drop because my two year contract with BYU Grad Studies is up. I just don't know how I'm going to make it financially. But, the best I can do is volunteer at the Women's and Children's Shelter, do my work for the UCDVC, get my thesis done, continue training for this marathon, and work my butt off at whatever hours I'm given and prove that I can handle more. Gosh, I miss my 60 hours a week work schedule.


Akirah said...

I believe you will find a great fit and be able to pay your bills. It just might take some time. Keep hope alive, my friend. I'm praying for you!

Malinda said...

thanks akirah! :) I'm back to PA job searching for after August. I missed a couple good opportunities when I was in my "I refuse to move back to PA" mindset. :(