Thursday, November 11, 2010

children are inspiring

I've had my heart touched by children in so many ways this week.

1) The club kids colored Toy Story pictures to send to Rex, my friends' little boy who is battling a brain stem tumor. I initiated the project as a way to do something meaningful for the family. It was a tender moment. At first the kids didn't understand why they were coloring pictures for someone else. However, after hearing a brief synopsis of Rex's story, they started asking all sorts of questions. "Why is he sick?" "He has cancer?" "I hope he...what's the word...resurrects?" "yeah, like Jesus" as one little girl replied to that common. The same little girl made a comment, as kids were asking about cancer, "It's not fair. He doesn't get to choose his death like people who smoke." The kids got really into coloring pictures for him. They especially liked coloring the Rex dinosaur picture and making Rex the dinosaur say hi to Rex the child. It was absolutely adorable. It reminded me how big kids' hearts are. I had had a frustrating time with the kids the week before. They were being mean and just annoying. This week changed everything.

2) Nicole and Luis (two of the most adorable kids) both attacked me with hugs one day and told me that I look like Barbie and that they're going to start calling me Barbie. I can honestly say that this is the first time I've ever been told that I look like Barbie, lol. Let's be real...I look nothing like Barbie...unless they turned her redhead friend into a plus-sized doll.

3) I attended the Mormon Media Studies Symosium today (I presented a paper). I got to the Boys & Girls Club around 5:30 this evening. There was half of a best friends necklace on my desk. One of the girls left it for me. When I walked into the Power Hour room, she screamed my name and ran to give me a hug.

4) Nicole (the same girl who told me I look like Barbie) left me post it notes that said "You are pretty" and "You are nice."

5) Kids are constantly asking if they can help me (but I think that's because I gave candy to some of my helpers over the last few weeks)

Bottom line, I love these kids. August, if I really do move back to PA, is going to be soooo hard. I can pretty much guarantee that I'll cry.

In other news, my new computer came. It's so nice to have a laptop again. I've missed being able to work on research and papers from home rather than having to stay at work late or camping out at the library all night. I got a purple pillow-pet from a friend. It's purple and waaaaay fluffy. I love birthday season.

1 comment:

Anna Grady said...

I agree. Kids are inspiring. I got your letter this week. I'm hoping to write back this weekend... and HAPPY BIRTHDAY (tomorrow)!