Thursday, January 29, 2009

summer questions

I really don't know what to do about this summer. I'm so torn.... I hate making big decisions. I usually rely on my Magic 8 Ball to answer the smaller ones ;) I wish I could teleport back and forth between PA and UT. That would be pretty sweet.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


1) I HATE driving in Utah. Seriously. There's three lanes of traffic and three cars will all decide to go 10 under the speed limit and drive beside each other...leaving you stuck behind them. My weekly drive to my training session usually stresses me out.... I'd much rather drive the capitol beltway in Harrisburg during rush hour than to drive down State Street anytime between 9am and 7pm.

2) People use cell phones and iPods way too much--so much that they have no idea what's going on around them. The other day at 24hour Fitness, I was walking up the stairs to the cardio/weights area when this girl in front of me just stops in the middle of the stairs to respond to a text message. (Gagh!!)

3) I almost hit a biker this morning (I admit, although he blended in with the surroundings and came out of nowhere on the sidewalk, it was pretty much my fault). Luckily, he was paying attention to what I was doing.

4) I'm ready for spring. The lack of sun makes me grumpy...which is probably why I'm posting a blog to vent.

5) Why in the world do I have to wear a skirt to church? Why can't I wear dress slacks and a nice shirt without being questioned? I'm so tempted to wear a skirt and my Pittsburgh Steelers jersey to church on Sunday ;)

6) I'm 23 years old. I think I'm able to decide if a guy can be in my apartment after midnight.

7) BYU seriously needs to update their honor/dress code. While just having a mustache might have been a fashion trend in the 1970s, it's just horribly gross now. If you can't have a beard, please don't grow just a mustache.

I think that's enough venting for now ;) Thanks for letting me get it out instead of bottling it up.

Friday, January 23, 2009

history and random happenings

The Steelers are going to the Super Bowl!!!

Barack Obama is officially our president - what a historic moment to watch. And his was sooo powerful.

I'm feeling motivated about school again.

I might be back in Pennsylvania for the summer :)

Monday, January 19, 2009


i'm over him. life can go on normally now.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I like it when I'm outgoing. It's happier. I'm working on this.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Dude, I'm only one week into classes this semester and I'm already pulling an all-nighter. There's something wrong with this picture....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

new year, new improvements

Well, after a semester and the start of a new year, I've been thinking back to the goals that I set for myself at the start of the fall semester. Some of them I've been really good at keeping, others have not been so hot. Rather than reiterating my goals verbatim, I'm just going to summarize by saying that I'm working on improving in all areas of my life: physical, spiritual, social, and academic.

I've already gotten this semester off to a positive start. Hopefully it can stay that way.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

not part of the plan

falling for the guy was not part of the plan...especially if i don't know if it involves him falling for me back. i'm supposed to get through the next two years guyless. there's just sooo many; i don't know if i can make it.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Banos and fears

An experience I had in Banos, Ecuador just popped into my mind. My friend Jenni and I went white-water rafting down the Pastaza River. That was a big step of me to overcome that fear--I'm not a big fan of large bodies of water-- At one point we stopped at this mouth of a stream that fed into the Pastaza river. We climbed out of our rafts and made our way up the stream to a swimming hole. Many people jumped off of the rocks into the swimming pool. I, for some reason, have always had this fear of falling from Point A to Point B and wasn't going to do it. However, one of the friends of the tour guides was hanging back and talking to me...asking if I had a boyfriend, and encouraging me to stay in Banos to be his girlfriend and sleep with him...that's when I jumped.

I guess I've just been thinking about what it takes to make us overcome our fears. I'd love to think that it's something positive and inspirational that helps me overcome my fears but the reality is that I'm usually just running from something else I don't like. I have to choose the better of the two options.