Saturday, May 23, 2009


OK, so I bailed on the 5k race today and decided to wait and run a few in PA this summer. I'll convince a friend or two to run them with me. :)

Yesterday, at the gym, I couldn't figure out why everyone kept giving me funny looks. Then, I remembered that I had the word "ORPHAN" written across my chest. That explained it. If I hadn't spent 4 years at Messiah surrounded by "Orphan" T-shirts every December, I, too, would probably oddly glance at someone wearing an "Orphan" T-shirt.

Provo is growing on me, I admit it. I kinda wish I was sticking around for the summer, but I also know that it'll be good for me to go home for a bit and change the scenery. We all know how terrible I am at staying in the same place for too long. It eats at me. Plus, I miss my friends and family back home. I need to see them for more than 3 hours out of a week at home.

I miss guitar...I kinda put it aside since Brian hasn't had the time to help me learn any new songs (or work on the ones he already taught me). Once again, I'll start that back up when I'm home, once all of these books are read, this paper is finished, and my things are packed.

Well, that's about it for updates. If you're a PA reader, please know that I want to: go hiking, go to Hershey Park, go swimming, watch fireworks, go to concerts, go dancing, watch movies, play games, play tennis...if you're up for any of that - you know how to reach me :)

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