Sunday, May 10, 2009

i hate genetics

and the fact that my family didn't teach me how to make healthy decisions when I was little. I hate the fact that letting me collect all of the TY Beanie Babies in Happy Meals was more important to my father than worrying about my health and the effect it would have on me later in life. I hate the fact that now, despite how hard I work and how well I eat, I'll never be small. When did I let media and American societal views get to me? I'm not really sure, but point being, I don't like what I am. I want to change. I'm trying to change. I feel like I'm getting nowhere. It's been 6 months and I can't get over that 15 lb weight-loss hump. I want, more than anything, to lose the other 15 lbs. I'm just stuck. I've plateaued.

Anyway, no point in getting discouraged. Just gotta keep pushing myself.


Akirah said...

I can relate to this. Strive for health! I think the other stuff eventually falls into place.

Love you!

Becky said...

I know these feelings all too well! Maybe we can encourage each other :) Go Malinda..."you can doooo it!!!"

P.S. I really hate the "lumpy & overweight" gene that I've also been given by my lovely ancestors!