Wednesday, February 16, 2011

things I've learned through six months of service

1) Poverty is hard. I'm struggling with just under $900 a month. I can't imagine having a family while living off of that amount.
2) I love kids; I always have but I needed reminded of that.
3) Kids can do some really stupid things.
4) I've done some really stupid (probably event supider) things so it's pretty easy to forgive them.
5) Balancing full-time work with half-time schooling, fitness/wellness, household chores, and a social life is rough.
6) Friday nights are hard. I'm ready for bed by 9PM.
7) I can do anything I put my mind to. It may take me awhile to convince myself that I really can do it, but after I do, there's no stopping me.
8) I have some really great friends in Provo.
9) I have some really great friends in Pennsylvania and other parts of the world as well.
10) People are, uusally, very generous.
11) I need to make time to take care of myself or all balance will be lost.
12) I'm old now; I can't live off of 5 hours of sleep anymore. I get cranky.
13) You can get kids to do anything for candy.
14) Adults are still like kids in many ways - wanting instant gratification rather than waiting patiently for the better prize in the long run. Why save our money/points for an mp3 player when we can get 2 packs of markers now?
15) I'm going to be okay in the real world; I'm actually very marketable.
16) I am so not a gold person (organized, timely, lists) but I know how to use this fact to my advantage (i.e. I'm super flexible and won't stress out when something changes last minute; I can delegate tasks and I won't hesitate to do so)
17) Quite often, your health is worth sacrificing your social life.
18) It's true, not going to church and not studying the Word of God can lead to spiritual stagnation or spiritual death.
19) I write too much.
20) A list of 20 things is probably too long for you to read all 20. Bravo if you did.
21) Not all guys stop talking to you after you express interest that is not returned. Only dumb ones that aren't worth your time to begin with do that.

1 comment:

Anna Grady said...

I love you list. Especially number 11. It's one that I constantly struggle with and need to always remind myself about.