Monday, January 2, 2012

Never tell a trainer that the workout was "too easy"

Seriously, I thought I was going to die right there on that gym mat.

Row 500 meters as quickly as possible
20 kettle bell sweeps (35 lbs)
20 clean and press (10 each arm - 20 lbs)
10 burpees (I haaaaate burpees)
20 breakdowns (plank position while continuously switching between resting on forearms and palms)

all as quickly as possible - repeat two times.

Anytime I stopped to wipe the sweat from my face or take a sip of water, I got yelled at to keep moving.

It sounds easy but I was drenched.

The story behind why this happened to me. They had me work with a female trainer early last week (nothing against female trainers...I want to be one). The first exercise was a bicep curl/shoulder press. She handed me a 7.5 dumbbell. I seriously stood there and laughed for a moment before telling her that I would need the 15s. She continued through a workout, which was decent but all stuff that I already do on my own. It wasn't challenging me. I guess the way I talked to the Trainer Director about it, he understood that I thought it was "too easy." That and I referenced to having one of the best trainers before having to move. So, he decided to kill me on Friday to prove a point. Point taken but I liked every moment of it, just sayin'. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

1 comment:

justrealhappy said...

Oh gee! That sounds like torture. But you're right...what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. And you definitely want to get your money's worth! :)