Thursday, April 2, 2009

spring class

Well, I ran into Dr. Stoker in the BYU Bookstore today. I haven't been up to visit him in his office lately. He might have persuaded me into taking his class during spring semester. He said he'd be willing to work with me so that I can get back to PA in time for my job since training starts the last day of classes. So, I'm going to visit him next week and talk more about that. I guess it looks like I'll be staying until the first week of June....

I know that taking this class in the spring will make next year EXTREMELY less stressful and would help me avoid another semester with 9 graduate credits but I that's another month and a half without a break. The stress of school has been getting to me (more so than ever before). It's this never ending cycle. I get stressed, I gain weight, I get depressed, I gain more weight. I was kinda hoping April 22nd would mark the end of that cycle and give me a good four months to renew my dwindling energy. I'm seriously burned out. I'm not so sure that I'm cut out for all of this graduate school stuff.

On another note. There's something I've been wanting to say to someone for the past several months...I have yet to actually do it. It involves a guy. A very nice one. I think, out of habit, I pushed him away. (sigh) I'm so good at that.

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