Thursday, November 26, 2009

it smells like Thanksgiving

Home sweet home. Several years ago, Thanksgiving dinner was moved from grandma's house to ours. It was quite an honor considering the fact that it means many more people must drive the 2 hours to our house. We're really the only ones settled in the Harrisburg area. Anyway, I'm a big smell person. Smells bring back the most distinctive memories back for me. For this reason, I think that's why I love Thanksgiving so much. I love waking up to the smell of Thanksgiving. Mmm, the smell of turkey in the oven, the sound of mom mixing mashed potatoes. In fact, the smells remind me so much of home that last year when Kellyanne made an early Thanksgiving dinner, I woke up completely confused about where I was. The smell of Thanksgiving took me home. However, when I opened my eyes, I was still in Provo. It was disappointing.

The only thing I hate about Thanksgiving is homework. It's two weeks before finals week which means the workload is always ridiculous. I have a rough draft for a 25 - 30 page paper due the day I get back from break. So, that's means I have to find time this weekend ot sit down and bust out another 10 pages so that I have at least 15 to hand in. (sigh). It's hard to stay motivated at home. I kinda forget that I even go to school. It's a completely different life. However, since I would like to graduate in April, I must keep reminding myself and stay motivated so that I can get all of my work done. :)

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