Saturday, December 5, 2009

hardest two weeks

Is it my imagination or are the two or three weeks between Thanksgiving break and Christmas break the hardest and most stressful weeks of the semester? You come back from a week at home. A week in which you had a lot of homework and had every intention to do it. Let's be honest, you're lucky if you even open your book over break. So then you come back and have to get back into the groove of school after being off, then frantically finish up assignments since you didn't do them over break, prepare for finals, do Christmas shopping, all while thinking about how you get to go home again in a couple weeks.

Then added in for me is the confusion my body feels over which time zone it should be in. I was trying to stay on an East Coast sleep schedule so that I wouldn't sleep until noon my first couple days back. However, last night ruined that plan for me :( I didn't get to bed until almost two so I slept until after 9:30...which is almost noon in PA. Sadness.

Well, on to tackle this paper and then go hit the gym to burn some serious calories to make up for the hot chocolate I am currently drinking ;)

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