Thursday, March 12, 2009

out of my league

So, I always fall for the guys who are out of my league. Or maybe, my problem is thinking that they're out of my league in the first place. I know I shouldn't do it. If I like the guy, I like that guy. However, that vivid 7th grade memory still haunts me...the one where the two guys across from at the lunch table (we had assigned seating because several kids had gotten in trouble) started listing the girls in the class from the fattest to smallest:
Boy #1 "So, who's the fattest girl in the class?"
Boy#1 and Boy #2 respond in unison with the name of a girl.
Boy #1 "Then who?"
Boy #2 "Says another name"
Boy #1 "Then Malinda"

Yep, that's right. I was listed as the third "fattest" girl in class. It's funny how these things carry with you. That old saying, "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me;" it's a lie. Words hurt more.

The odd thing, I look back at pictures from 7th grade...I wasn't even fat. I'll have to find a pic and scan it one of these days. Anyway, those things still haunt the way I feel about myself and how I compare to others. It's stupid, I know. Some day, I'll be over it.

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